
Monday, February 26, 2018

Honey & Oats DIPA (18-4)

Dinkablility:  Pours a soft straw with a slight haze.  Aroma is muted given the amount of hops, but streaks of over ripened fruit and berries slight grainyness?.   Thinking the process of bucket brewing and bottling detracts from the pungentness of aroma.  But the flavor hot damn. Sips explode with full guava, mango, grapefruit.  This is the best tasting beer i think ive homebrewed.  Goes down so smooth.  No identify to the 10%iness. 

Changes for next time:  Up the mouthfeel.  I understand honey is very drying, add some maltodextrine to compensate? And figure out a way to up the aroma.  On the right track but needs elevation.  probalby up the bitterness a hair, a littttttle on the sweet side for my taste. 

Batch Size: 1.25 gal

OG: 1.065
FG:  0.985
SRM: 4
ABV: 10.4%
Boil Time: 60 Mins


66.7 % - 2 lbs  Pale - 2 Row
16.7% - 8 oz Flaked Oats
16.7% - 8 oz Raw Honey

No Sparge - 2 gal water @ 166F

3 g Columbus (Pellet, 15.00% AA) @ 60 min
12 g Simcoe (Pellet, 12.70% AA) @ 0 min
6 g Citra (Pellet, 11.00% AA) @ 0 min

24 g Simcoe (Pellet, 12.70% AA) @ Dry Hop
6 g Citra(Pellet, 11.00% AA) @ Dry Hop
6 g El Dorado (Pellet, 15.70% AA) @ Dry Hop

Half dry hops at day 3, half at day 7.


7 g Safale S-05 Ale Dry Yeast

2/3/18 - Brewed
2/9/18 - Dry hop #2 (SG 1.019)
2/14/18 - Crashed
2/17/18 - Bottled
2/26/28 - Tasted

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Eis'd and Fruited English Strong (18-2)

Drinkablility: Over-carbonated and chunky, probably should have left it in some sort of tertiary for conditioning.   Poured the sample through a Randall Jr. to get the bits of berry out of the glass.

Deep berry, woodys, leather and tobacco aroma with some sweet chocolate.  Not as full as I had hoped,  most of the body comes from the yeast still in suspension, boozy.   

Changes for next time:  Over all pretty disappointed in the overall failure.  I'd defiantly give a tertiary period to let remaining particulates settle out after the large fruited addition.  Body needs a large bump up in mouthfeel to round out the booze.  

Batch Size: 1.25 gal
IBU: 25

OG: 1.070
FG: No idea
ABV: -%
SRM: 25
Boil Time: 60 Mins


33.8 % - 1.5 lbs Vienna - German
33.8% - 1.5 lbs 2 Row
22.5% - 1 lbs Golden Naked Oats
5.6% - 4 oz Pale Chocolate
4.2% - 3 oz C-40L

No Sparge
Strike 2.5 gal @ 165F - Target 156F

8 g Cascade (Pellet, 7% AA) @ 60 min

2 g Calcium Chloride @ Mash

3 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) @ Mash

8 g Safale S-04 Ales Dry Yeast

1/17/18 - Brewed with 2 gals worth of melted snow!
Pulled 1 quart and reduced to syrup, added back to boil.
1/22/18 - 26 g bourbon soaked oak and 2.5 lbs (1 quart) mixed berry puree
1/28/18 - Eis'ed for 7 hrs,  netting .75 gal concentrate
2/11/18 - Sampled