
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Eis'd and Fruited English Strong (18-2)

Drinkablility: Over-carbonated and chunky, probably should have left it in some sort of tertiary for conditioning.   Poured the sample through a Randall Jr. to get the bits of berry out of the glass.

Deep berry, woodys, leather and tobacco aroma with some sweet chocolate.  Not as full as I had hoped,  most of the body comes from the yeast still in suspension, boozy.   

Changes for next time:  Over all pretty disappointed in the overall failure.  I'd defiantly give a tertiary period to let remaining particulates settle out after the large fruited addition.  Body needs a large bump up in mouthfeel to round out the booze.  

Batch Size: 1.25 gal
IBU: 25

OG: 1.070
FG: No idea
ABV: -%
SRM: 25
Boil Time: 60 Mins


33.8 % - 1.5 lbs Vienna - German
33.8% - 1.5 lbs 2 Row
22.5% - 1 lbs Golden Naked Oats
5.6% - 4 oz Pale Chocolate
4.2% - 3 oz C-40L

No Sparge
Strike 2.5 gal @ 165F - Target 156F

8 g Cascade (Pellet, 7% AA) @ 60 min

2 g Calcium Chloride @ Mash

3 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) @ Mash

8 g Safale S-04 Ales Dry Yeast

1/17/18 - Brewed with 2 gals worth of melted snow!
Pulled 1 quart and reduced to syrup, added back to boil.
1/22/18 - 26 g bourbon soaked oak and 2.5 lbs (1 quart) mixed berry puree
1/28/18 - Eis'ed for 7 hrs,  netting .75 gal concentrate
2/11/18 - Sampled

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